Danish F-16s drop their first bombs on Libya

Pan.bg 24 мар 2011 | 10:43 views (2298) commentaries(0)
img flightglobul.com

Lockheed Martin F-16s from the Royal Danish Air Force have for the first time dropped weapons on Libya, the service has confirmed.
A detachment of four Danish F-16s touched down at Sigonella air base in Sicily on 19 March, two days after the UN security council had passed resolution 1973 approving the introduction of measures against the Libyan state, including the imposition of a no-fly zone.
In an operational update released on 23 March, the Royal Danish Air Force said its aircraft have so far flown 12 sorties in support of the US-led Operation "Odyssey Dawn". Eleven of these were dedicated to air-to-ground tasks, it said, and confirmed that precision-guided bombs had been released.
The service declined to release details about the nature of its targets, or to disclose information about the results of its action.

The Danish F-16 contingent at Sigonella totals around 120 personnel, the air force says.

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