Greece also Enters the Race for the Volkswagen Plant 30 окт 2019 | 14:40 views (1508) commentaries(0)

Greece is also interested in the Volkswagen car factory being built on its territory.

This was stated by the Greek Economy Minister, quoted by the leading German business publication Handelsblatt.

In early October, it became clear that Volkswagen was freezing plans to build a plant near the Turkish city of Izmir because of the military operation "Peace Spring" in northern Syria, which began on October 9th.

Turkey and Bulgaria have been major competitors in the battle for the new investment of more than 1 billion euros from the German car giant, but the scales have tilted in favour of our southwest neighbour.

According to experts, the newly created situation after the invasion of Turkey in northern Syria is returning the Balkan countries back in the race. Serbia, Romania and Greece are involved in the battle in addition to Bulgaria.

The German concern says it is not looking for another site for its plant so far.

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